WORKOUT - Lunges

These exercises may be done in our Boot Camp, Cross Training, 20/20/20, Muscle Max, Pure Strength, BodyPump classes or any class involving overall strength, increased muscle tissue, development of core stability and/or flexibility.


  • Keep torso upright (do not lean forward or back), shoulders back and down, and abs braced.
  • Keep back heel lifted off the floor throughout the Lunge.
  • Keep knees soft (avoid locking knees) at the top.
  • Keep front knee behind toes, and drive through the front heel.

people in lunge position
Body Weight Only

Appropriate for any level


Body weight, a dumbbell or plate in each hand, or a barbell on your back

Benefits of pose:
Builds strength in the legs - quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves.

How to perform this pose:
Stride setup:
  1. Kneel down on one knee, on the floor. Form 90 degree angles with both legs - front knee directly over ankle, and back hip directly over knee.
  2. Tuck back toes under, lift back heel and stand, keeping feet at that stride length.

  1. Bend both knees to Lunge down.
  2. Bottom of range should put front thigh and back shin parallel to the ground
  3. Push up through both legs to return to starting position.
  4. Perform equal amount of reps on each side.

Ready to Step it Up a Notch?

Plyometric Lunge
Lunge down, then jump to switch legs. Land with both feet simultaneously in Lunge position and knees bent. Keep torso upright throughout, and drive through front heel to get a strong push. In this variation, use body weight only.