These exercises may be done in our Boot Camp, Cross Training, 20/20/20, Muscle Max, Pure Strength, BodyPump classes or any class involving overall strength, increased muscle tissue, development of core stability and/or flexibility.


  • Keep abs braced to avoid arching your back.
  • Keep your chin neutral and eyes forward to maintain neutral neck alignment and to avoid hunching your shoulders.
  • Keep body straight and butt slightly below shoulder level. If performing the option with knees under hips, butt stays higher than shoulders at the bottom of the range.

man doing push-ups
Basic Move

Appropriate for any level
This exercise can be done up on toes (advanced), with knees on the floor (intermediate), or with knees under hips (beginner)



Benefits of pose:
An integrated exercise that builds strength in the pecs, shoulders, and core.

How to perform this pose:
  1. On the floor, hands wider than shoulders.
  2. Back flat, shoulders back and down, abs braced, neck neutral.

  1. Bend both elbows and lower chest down to elbow level.
  2. At the bottom of the range, elbows should form 90 degree angles and chest should be in between hands.

Challenge Yourself - Try these advanced variations!
  • On toes.
  • Lift one leg up 6 inches.
  • Tricep Push-Ups: hands narrow and elbows close to body.
  • Triangle Push-Ups: angle hands with fingers toward each other and wrists away from each other. The closer together your hands, the harder it is. This variation targets triceps.
  • Push-Up Superman: do a push-up, then lift one arm out in front of you and lift opposite leg.
  • Clock Push-Ups: do a push-up, walk hands to the right, do a push-up, walk them back to your starting point.
  • Clapping Push-Ups: clap in between each push-up on the way up.